Which now will mercifully make it easier to complete it. Now listed as just Objectives in the User Interface, every player gets the same "game mode" related objective.
The Diamond Casino and Resort update Daily Objectives have been revamped. Daily Objectives After the Casino Update:
You will also earn medals to coincide with this. If you do Daily Objectives for 28 days in a row you receive $750,000. If you complete your Daily Objectives for seven days in a row, you receive $150,000.
Participate In A Vehicle Deathmatch: As of the Arena Wars update (patch 1.46) playing one of the Arena Wars game modes seems to count as a Vehicle Deathmatch. Instead, select any "Versus Mission" that requires two players and hope someone joins.
Complete A Versus Mission: Selecting "Quick Job>Versus Mission" will more than likely send you to an "Adversary Mode." Don't get excited they don't count as a "Versus Mission" after the Gunrunning update. Just make sure you have plenty of ordinances. Sometimes the amount of vehicles you need to explode varies. Don't bother shooting pedestrians, just blow up vehicles until you get the notification that the Objective is complete. Call Lester and select "Cops Turn A Blind Eye." Once the three-minute timer appears at the lower-right side of your screen, start blowing up cars. The best thing to do is buy a bunch of explosives (Sticky Bombs, Grenades, Proximity Mines, etc.) and go to the nearest freeway. Bribe The Cops Then Cause Havoc: This Objective is actually a lot simpler than the vagueness it delivers. To perform a wheelie pull back on the Left Stick and go easy on the acceleration. By the time you get near the other end (depending on speed) you should have this Objective complete. Begin from one of the runways and start your wheelie almost immediately. The Bati 80/Bati 80RR and the Sanchez are good for this (there are others these are just from my experience). Not all sports bikes are capable of doing a wheelie for this length of time. Do a wheelie for 10 seconds: Best lace to do this is the Airport in Los Santos or the Airfield in Sandy Shores. So if you’re playing solo you just have to play the same course twice to qualify. A “Round” at the Shooting Range consists of whoever wins two-out-of-three times. Go for a Round at the Shooting Range: This can be done solo or with another player. You can do this over water and it still counts. Parachute Dangerously: Jump out of an aircraft and hit A/X just before you hit the ground. There is a limit to how much money you can share with other players per day, but if you kill someone with a Bounty, give them at least 20%. Also, don’t wait in your character’s garage or apartment, it won’t work that way. Do some Gang Attacks, grind VIP/CEO Work (more on those in a minute), skydive, do time trials around the San Andreas freeway system and see how fast you can go? Hell, if you’re a multitasker, you can come up with something while you wait, just jiggle the Left Stick every 10 minutes so the game doesn’t kick you for being idle. It will be a lonely 48 minutes, but you can keep yourself occupied. When the Creator menu opens up, pause the game again and go to Online>Play GTA Online>Invite Only Session. If the Bounty is $6,000 or higher there is a trick to getting it easy if you don’t mind waiting. You can really have fun with that or you could let someone kill you. #GTA ONLINE DRONE STATION GLITCH FREE#
If you can survive in Free Roam for 48 minutes, the Bounty is yours. If you don’t care about the money, set one higher. Speaking of Bounties, if you are the frugal type, don’t set a Bounty on anyone for more than $3,000.
I once stole an Ubermach Oracle (which is worth $8,000) and only received a $2,000 Bounty from its pissed-off owner. Random NPC Bounties are based on the value of the vehicle you have just stolen, but that value is random.